Wednesday, September 30, 2020



Screening mammograms are next to worthless. They do not save lives. In fact the group of women who have significantly less mortality over the last twenty years are women who don´t go near them! So why do women keep doing them? Because they are told it and once again it's about profits and doctor bonus inventives.

A 2013 oxford study confirmed they offer no benefit. They concluded that, "There was no evidence that declines in mortality rates were consistently greater in women in age groups and cohorts that had been screened at all, or screened several times, than in other (unscreened) women, in the same time periods. Conclusions Mortality statistics do not show an effect of mammographic screening on population-based breast cancer mortality in England."

If scientists set out to develop a screening technique for breast cancer tomorrow, do you think it would involve two large metal plates, squeezing, and with radiation flowing?! If someone proposed this they would be laughed at. 

Mammograms are proven to increase cause breast cancer risk and are proven to provide large numbers of false positives, which means many women are herded toward toxic and mutilating cancer treatment options, when they don't even have breast cancer to begin with. Medical doctor. Dr. John McDougall discusses some aspects of this issue.

Medical doctor, Dr. Ben Johnson, explains that mammograms have been proven long ago, in the medical literature, to cause breast cancer. How could radiation not increase cancer growth and spread? This is not an accident or chance happening. This is a weaponization of the science and the use of manipulative conditioning to have the uninformed masses volunteer for a new covert medical holocaust. The bodies pile skyward as people line up for what can only make them more ill. Insanity sold as sanity.

Radiation causes cancer, so stay out of the sun, but just place your breasts between these two radioactive plates. Make sense? Of course Not! 

Of course mammograms are PROVEN to cause the growth and spread of breast cancer. How could they not? Mammograms and pink washing. Just another way to magnetically attract the uninformed public toward their worst lives inside the deathcare system.

info from Chris Kirckof

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