Monday, February 18, 2019

live vaccines

All live virus vaccines contain LIVE viruses. They may be weakened but they can still replicate in the right environment and infect both the vaccinated and "shed" to people around them for weeks after the vaccine is given.
๐Ÿ“ทWhich vaccines are LIVE?
Rotavirus- Rotateq Section 5:5 (Up to 15 days, fecal shedding):
Small Pox- ACAM2000 Section 5:10 (Only used in the military but highly contagious):
๐Ÿ“ท But does that REALLY happen? Yes. Yes it can and does as these studies illustrate:
Varicella transfer after vaccine to pregnant mom:
Pub Med article on Rotavirus shedding:
Measles virus sheds for 1-13 days after vaccination:
Mumps outbreak in Netherlands linked to those vaccinated twice with MMR:
Measles vaccinated child responsible for outbreak in British Columbia:
New York Measles outbreak linked to vaccinated:
Measles outbreak among the vaccinated:
We don't know for certain how long shedding occurs because we don't test for it long term or regularly but in rare instances, it has gone on for years:
๐Ÿ“ท Additionally, the Dtap/Tdap and Polio vaccines that are NOT live have been shown to cause the vaccinated to become asymptomatic carriers whenever exposed, thus the vaccinated can be spreading the illness without knowing at any time:
The polio vaccine “does not stop transmission of the virus.” & “when a person immunized with IPV is infected with wild poliovirus, the virus can still multiply inside the intestines and be shed in the feces, risking continued circulation.”
๐Ÿ“ท You can also find that most medical facilities are aware of this. Johns Hopkins and St. Jude hospitals are just a few of many who post precautions for recently vaccinated visitors.

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