1. Ingredients
2. Compensation for vaccine injury to date - $4 billion
3. VAERS site for vaccine injury
4. HHS lawsuit that shows no safety studies have been conducted on vaccines for 32 years.
5. 1986 vaccine law that shields vaccine manufacturers from liability
6. Supreme Court rules vaccines “unavoidably unsafe”
7. Vaccine Inserts
1. https://www.cdc.gov/.../appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf
2. https://www.hrsa.gov/.../vaccin.../data/statisticsreport.pdf
3. https://vaers.hhs.gov
4. http://icandecide.org/.../ICAN-HHS-Stipulated-Order-July...
5. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/.../National_Childhood_Vaccine...
6. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/10pdf/09-152.pdf
7. http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/package_inserts.htm
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