Wednesday, September 11, 2019

SB276 and SB714 explained

SB276 mandated the following:
  • A complete database of California vaccine medical exemptions which will allow the state to monitor which physicians are issuing medical exemptions.
  • It will require requests for medical exemptions to be approved by the State Public Health Officer, or their designee, who can refuse any exemptions that are not supported by their medical science.
  • It will also require that the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) annually identify schools with vaccination rates less than 95%, physicians who filed more than 5 medical exemptions per the calendar year, and schools that did not report immunization rates to the CDPH.
  • The law would require a clinically-trained staff member (a physician, surgeon, or registered nurse) to review all medical exemptions that meet the above three conditions. It would pinpoint those exemptions which are either fraudulent or fails to meet guidelines for medical exemptions.
  • The CDPH can also report physicians who issued fraudulent or unjustified medical exemptions to the Medical Board of California.
  • SB276 requires physicians who issue medical exemptions to actually examine the child in person 
  • It requires physicians who are not the child’s primary care physician (PCP) to notify the PCP when they sign an exemption form.
  • It requires physicians to use a standardized state-issued medical exemption form that makes them to clearly state which vaccine contraindications support the child’s exemption.
  •  It prevents physicians from demanding a fee for writing an exemption – however, if they see the child in person (which is now required), they may charge for an office visit.

SB714 adds a few more points.
  •  SB714 grandfathers in all medical exemptions that are written before 1 January 2020, irrespective of how they were written or if they are in compliance with SB276. 
  •  new medical exemptions would be required whenever a child enters kindergarten, seventh grade, or changes schools. 
  • SB714 would remove part of SB276 which required physicians to attest to the accuracy of their medical exemptions under penalty of perjury. 
  •  a provision in SB714 would invalidate all medical exemptions from a physician against whom the Medical Board of California has filed a disciplinary action. 

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