Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Herd Immunity

Herd Immunity

The term, ‘herd immunity’, was coined by researcher, A W Hedrich, after he’d studied the epidemiology of measles in USA between 1900-1931. His study published in the May, 1933 American Journal of Epidemiology concluded that when 68% of children younger than 15 yrs old had become immune to measles via infection, measles epidemics ceased. For several reasons, this natural, pre-vaccine herd immunity differed greatly from today’s vaccine ‘herd immunity’.1,2

When immunity was derived from natural infection, a much smaller proportion of the population needed to become immune to show the herd effect; compare the 68% measles immunity required for natural herd immunity to the very high percentages of vaccine uptake deemed necessary for measles vaccine ‘herd immunity’. In his ‘Vaccine Safety Manual’, Neil Z Miller cites research which concluded increasing vaccine uptake necessary for ‘herd immunity’ ranging from “70 to 80 percent of two year olds in inner cities” in 1991 to “‘close to 100 percent coverage’…with a vaccine that is 90 to 98 percent effective.” in 1997. Miller notes that, “When the measles vaccine was introduced in 1963, officials were confident that they could eradicate the disease by 1967.”

Subsequently, new dates for eradication were pronounced as 1982, 2000 and 2010. Meanwhile, “In 1990, after examining 320 scientific works from around the world, 180 European medical doctors concluded that ‘the eradication of measles…would today appear to be an unrealistic goal.’” And in 1984, Professor D. Levy of Johns Hopkins University had already “concluded that if current practices [of suppressing natural immunity] continue, by the year 2050 a large part of the population will be at risk and ‘there could in theory be over 25,000 fatal cases of measles in the U.S.A.’”

Disease-conferred immunity usually lasted a lifetime. As each new generation of children contracted the infection, the immunity of those previously infected was renewed due to their continual cyclical re-exposure to the disease; except for newly-infected children and the few individuals who’d never had the disease or been exposed to it, the ‘herd immunity’ of the entire population was maintained at all times.

Vaccine ‘herd immunity’ is hit-and-miss; outbreaks of disease sometimes erupt in those who follow recommended vaccine schedules. If they do actually “immunize”, vaccines provide only short-term immunity so, in an attempt to maintain ‘herd immunity’, health authorities hold ‘cattle drives’ to round up older members of the ‘herd’ for administration of booster shots. And on it goes, to the point that, now, it’s recommended we accept cradle-to-grave shots of vaccine against pertussis, a disease which still persists after more than sixty years of widespread use of the vaccine.

Russell Blaylock, MD remarks, “One of the grand lies of the vaccine program is the concept of “herd immunity”. In fact, vaccines for most Americans declined to non-protective levels within 5 to 10 years of the vaccines. This means that for the vast majority of Americans, as well as others in the developed world, herd immunity doesn’t exist and hasn’t for over 60 years.”3

In the pre-vaccine era, newborns could receive antibodies against infectious diseases from their mothers who had themselves been infected as children and re-exposed to the diseases later in life. Today’s babies born to mothers who were vaccinated and never exposed to these diseases do not receive these antibodies. In direct contrast to fear mongering disease “facts” and ‘herd immunity’ theories related by Public Health, most of today’s babies are more vulnerable than babies of the pre-vaccine era.

References:1. “Monthly estimates of the child population ‘susceptible’ to measles, 1900-1931, Baltimore, Maryland”; A W Hedrich; American Journal of Epidemiology; May 1933 – Oxford University Press.

2. ‘Vaccine Safety Manual’ by Neil Z Miller; New Atlantean Press; 2008, 2009; pg 152.

3. Ibid; pgs 16-17.

"Q: Doesn't herd immunity protect most people?
A: Herd immunity (or community immunity) is a situation in which, through vaccination or prior illness, a sufficient proportion of a population is immune to an infectious disease, making its spread from person to person unlikely. Even individuals not vaccinated (such as newborns and those with chronic illnesses) are typically protected because the disease has little opportunity to spread within their community. Since pertussis spreads so easily, vaccine protection decreases over time, and acellular pertussis vaccines may not prevent colonization (carrying the bacteria in your body without getting sick) or spread of the bacteria, we can't rely on herd immunity to protect people from pertussis." <>

('My shot won't work unless you get a shot and your shot won't work unless I get a shot' ..Huh?)
Doesn't vaccinating provide Herd Immunity?
Herd immunity via vaccine is a myth and is a hilarious concept that assumes that:
1. Vaccinated people are immune to the diseases for which they have been vaccinated,
2. Can not carry the diseases for which they are vaccinated/immune,
3. Because most of the people are vaccinated, other people around them can't catch the disease.
My favorite analogy for herd immunity is that if 95% of people in a building are all wearing hard hats when the ceiling falls in, the 5% are protected. (Dr. Robert Murdoch).
"80% of the population is over 18, and we know that most of the population are unvaccinated, most haven't received any since grade-school. So if herd immunity does exist, one has to conclude, by use of logic, that it exists because over 80% of the population is unvaccinated.
There are noted cases dating back to the early 1900s where fully vaccinated populations in the army and navy were infected. They have almost 100% compliance in most cases.
Did you know they used to teach Doctors in medical school that childhood vaccines lasted a lifetime? This was believed for over 70 years. It was not until recently that it was discovered that most of these vaccines are quite ineffective and sometimes only last 2 years. What this means is that at least half the population, have had no vaccine-induced immunity against any of these diseases for which they had been vaccinated very early in life. In essence, a large majority of the population has been unprotected for decades.If we listen to present-day CDC wisdom, we are all at risk of resurgent massive epidemics should the vaccination rate fall below 95%. However, most people have lived for at least 40 years with a large portion of the population having no vaccine protection. That is, herd immunity has not existed in this country for many decades and no resurgent epidemics have occurred. Vaccine-induced herd immunity is a lie used to frighten doctors, public-health officials, other medical personnel, and the public into accepting vaccinations.
3 out of 4 people are unvaccinated adults. Do the math! Hundreds of thousands of people die every year from preventative medical errors. I want to know where the legislation is for safer medical practice? Don't insult the intelligence of Americans by reporting .00004% of the population got the measles and NO ONE DIED!!! Give me a break. It's the vaccine that started the outbreak AND almost half the people infected were VACCINATED! Not to mention, it was mostly ADULTS, not children who got the measles. Oh, but let's use this FAKE epidemic as an excuse to kick perfectly healthy, non-contagious kids out of school while we allow other contagious kids w diseases like HIV/AIDS, Tuberculois, and Hepatitis B go to school while protected by the constitution." (Various selections credit to Landee Crier)
According to statistics, the majority of outbreaks occur in populations where the majority of individuals were previously vaccinated.
There are many outbreaks among vaccinated populations. The vaccinated don't fare any better in an outbreak than unvaccinated. The largest clinical trial ever done on any medicine proves this. The University of Michigan, 1955, Francis, etal's study on the Salk polio vaccine. It was done on over 1,000,000 children, with 750,000 children used as placebo. During the 6 months of the study, an average of 57 of every 100,000 vaccinated children got polio, and 54 of every 100,000 children in the placebo group got polio.
A recent study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences for instance, found that, despite more than 50 years of population-wide vaccination, cases of whooping cough are on the rise. The culprit? Antigens of Bordetella pertussis that not only are completely ineffective at preventing infection with Bordetella parapertussis, a whooping cough bacterium similar to B. pertussis, but actually promote it by interfering with the body's natural infection clearance protocols.
There was a recent study conducted on baboons. They were given the pertussis vaccine, and then exposed to pertussis. The baboons carried the virus in their lungs for several weeks after exposure.
--Long Term Human Experimentation via Vaccine, 2 min clip, Congressional Hearings
------------- Quick vaccine facts
Quick Facts:
1) There are NO studies showing the current vaccine schedule is safe or effective!
2) CDC are known liars.
3) Billions have been paid out to vaccine-injured families!
4) History shows all death by disease declined 90-98% PRIOR to widespread vaccination.
5) Vaccines are scientifically proven to shed and spread disease.
6) You cannot sue after being injected with toxic substances forced on you, even if your child dies.
7) MILLIONS of parents the world over have observed what these dangerous products do to their children.
8) 1 in 6 children in the US has a learning disability.
9) 1 in 50 has autism and Cancer is leading cause of death in children past infancy.
10) There are known carcinogens in vaccines.
11) 54% of our youth suffer from a chronic illness triggered by vaccines.
12) US has highest infant mortality rate of any industrialized country AND the highest mandated vaccine schedule to infants.
13) Pharma pays MILLIONS to law makers to approve unstudied, unsafe, unnecessary vaccines for profit.
14) Herd immunity is another lie and does not exist because 3/4 of the population is unvaccinated (artificial immunity wanes) and there have been no major outbreaks of any infectious disease for decades.
15) Every single pharmaceutical company has been found guilty of fraud in the last few years: Every single one!
16) More people are harmed by vaccines than by the diseases they "purport" to protect against.
17) If a product works and is good, it sells itself. There is no need to mandate or force it.
18) Pharma are known liars.
19) The hoax is over- vaccines are ineffective, a farce, and the greatest lie ever told!
20) This, along with chemo, will go down in history as the most barbaric practice ever carried out on the human race! ~Via Landee Crier

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