Is Chickenpox DEADLY?!?!?
That itchy red spotty illness you get as a child. Or at least I did when I was in elementary school. I remember it as being itchy and boring. No school, stuck on the couch watching tv or doing school work at home. But what is Chickenpox?
I remember My mom kept me home as I ran a fever for a few days. And finally, when my fever broke, She was going to get me ready for school. She then saw the pox on my chest and put my pajamas back on. She said, "well, you aren't going to school today."
First Symptoms (usually 1-2 days before the rash appears)
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
- Headache
- Tiredness
- Overall icky feeling (malaise)
Then the spots appear. They typically start on the torso and spread to the limbs, unlike other types of skin lesion illnesses. The spots go through three phases.
How long does chickenpox last? Usually 10-14 days. My eldest had chickenpox a few years ago and with the help of Homeopathy and vitamins, she was better 5 days after the spots appeared (about 7 days earlier than the average.)
How deadly is the chickenpox? In 1992 (before the vaccine was created) there were 158,000 cases of chickenpox and only 100 deaths reported. That's .06% chance of dying from the Chickenpox.
The Vaccine
The varicella vaccine was introduced in March of 1995. And it was later added to the MMR vaccine. It is recommended by the CDC to get the varicella Vaccine or the MMRV at 12-16 month and again at 4-6 yrs old. The vaccine is a live virus vaccine so it can shed to others up to 6 weeks.
This vaccine does contain aborted fetal cells.
This vaccine does contain aborted fetal cells.
Side effects of the MMRV and Varicella vaccine.
Minor events:
- Sore arm from the injection
- Fever
- Redness or rash at the injection site
- Swelling of glands in the cheeks or neck
If these events happen, they usually begin within 2 weeks after the shot. They occur less often after the second dose.
Moderate events:
Moderate events:
- Seizure (jerking or staring) often associated with fever
- Temporary low platelet count, which can cause unusual bleeding or bruising
- Infection of the lungs (pneumonia) or the brain and spinal cord coverings (encephalitis, meningitis)
- Rash all over the body
- Deafness
- Long-term seizures, coma, lowered consciousness
- Brain damage
- People sometimes faint after medical procedures, including vaccination. Sitting or lying down for about 15 minutes can help prevent fainting and injuries caused by a fall.
- Some people get shoulder pain that can be more severe and longer-lasting than routine soreness that can follow injections. This happens very rarely.
There is also a high correlation between ear infections and vaccines. LINK
The vaccine increases shingle risk. LINK
History of chickenpox may reduce the risk of brain cancer later in life.
"In the study, the team reviewed information from the Glioma International Case-Control Study is a large, multi-site consortium with data on 4533 cases and 4171 controls collected across five countries.
They found a 21 percent reduced risk of developing glioma with a positive history of chicken pox. Furthermore, they identified the protective effective was greater in higher grade gliomas.
The large study validates earlier studies showing this link, Bondy said. “It provides more of an indication that there is some protective benefit from having the chicken pox,” she said. “The link is unlikely to be coincidental.”"
What to do if you have the Chickenpox.
Stay home as chickenpox is highly contagious. But I let my younger kids be around my eldest when she had it. Chickenpox is better to have as a child, then it is to have as an adult. Do not scratch the pox. If you scratch while the pox is scabbed over, it could leave permanent scars. Do not take any Ibuprofen. Cool compresses and lukewarm oatmeal baths help with the itching.
- Aconite. For cases with a rapid, sudden onset. The patient is usually restless and anxious. They are often feverish with a burning thirst and dry, hot skin.
- Antimonium crudum. Patients needing this remedy are usually fretful and peevish. The children may cry if looked at and do not want to be touched. Although a white, coated tongue is characteristic for those needing this remedy, don't hesitate to use it in chicken pox if someone has the mental characteristics described.
- Antimonium tartaricum. Those needing this remedy often share the mental nature and coated tongue of Antimonium crudum (described above) but tend to be weaker, drowsy, and sweaty. They may have a rattling cough with large amounts of mucus that is hard to raise.
- Belladonna. Like Aconite (described above), the illness usually has a rapid, sudden onset. A high fever with red, hot skin is common. Your hand may feel hot after touching their skin. The patient is sensitive to drafts, jarring, and often to light. The pupils may be dilated or the eyes may have a shining appearance.
- Pulsatilla. This common remedy for children is indicated for those with chicken pox who feel tearful, wimpy, and want attention and fuss. They usually have little thirst, have thick, bland discharges, and desire or feel better in the open air.
- Rhus tox. This is homeopathic poison oak. The eruptions of chicken pox are often similar to that of poison oak, hence its use homeopathically in such cases. If a person can't decide what to take for chicken pox, try Rhus tox. The patient is usually restless and thirsty (often for cold milk), and the eruptions itch. (If the itching is better with cold applications consider Pulsatilla or Ledum.) LINK
Vitamin C and Zinc help build your immune system to fight the virus. And vitamin D is also a good way to fight the virus. LINK
Stay home as chickenpox is highly contagious. But I let my younger kids be around my eldest when she had it. Chickenpox is better to have as a child, then it is to have as an adult. Do not scratch the pox. If you scratch while the pox is scabbed over, it could leave permanent scars. Do not take any Ibuprofen. Cool compresses and lukewarm oatmeal baths help with the itching.
- Aconite. For cases with a rapid, sudden onset. The patient is usually restless and anxious. They are often feverish with a burning thirst and dry, hot skin.
- Antimonium crudum. Patients needing this remedy are usually fretful and peevish. The children may cry if looked at and do not want to be touched. Although a white, coated tongue is characteristic for those needing this remedy, don't hesitate to use it in chicken pox if someone has the mental characteristics described.
- Antimonium tartaricum. Those needing this remedy often share the mental nature and coated tongue of Antimonium crudum (described above) but tend to be weaker, drowsy, and sweaty. They may have a rattling cough with large amounts of mucus that is hard to raise.
- Belladonna. Like Aconite (described above), the illness usually has a rapid, sudden onset. A high fever with red, hot skin is common. Your hand may feel hot after touching their skin. The patient is sensitive to drafts, jarring, and often to light. The pupils may be dilated or the eyes may have a shining appearance.
- Pulsatilla. This common remedy for children is indicated for those with chicken pox who feel tearful, wimpy, and want attention and fuss. They usually have little thirst, have thick, bland discharges, and desire or feel better in the open air.
- Rhus tox. This is homeopathic poison oak. The eruptions of chicken pox are often similar to that of poison oak, hence its use homeopathically in such cases. If a person can't decide what to take for chicken pox, try Rhus tox. The patient is usually restless and thirsty (often for cold milk), and the eruptions itch. (If the itching is better with cold applications consider Pulsatilla or Ledum.) LINK
Vitamin C and Zinc help build your immune system to fight the virus. And vitamin D is also a good way to fight the virus. LINK
*Disclaimer. I am not a licensed professional or a doctor of any kind. I am a mother who loves to do research. The words and other content provided in this blog, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice.