Sunday, July 21, 2019

Hands foot mouth disease connected to Polio vax

Does anyone 30+ ever remember hearing of friends or family getting hand/foot/mouth disease when we were kids?

Here is the scientific research about the connection between HFMD & Polio for your reference:

Exploring the Link between Polio Vaccination and Hand Foot Mouth Disease

Hand, foot, and mouth disease: current scenario and Indian perspective.


Is Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Really a Big Deal?

[An investigation on a case of hand-foot-mouth disease caused by coxsackie-virus A6 associated with a vaccine-derived poliovirus co-infection].

Non-Polio Enteroviruses

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Vaccines are not required to undergo long term double blind inert placebo controlled trials to asses safety

Vaccines are tested rigorously right? What are they tested against? Interesting "placebo" choices...
Daptacel tested against DTP and DT…
Infanrix tested againt Pediarix. Both groups administered varying combinations of HepB, IPV, HIB, PCV, MMR & Varicella vaccines at the same time.…/Presc…/Infanrix/pdf/INFANRIX.PDF
Kinrix tested against Infanrix. Both groups also received IPV and MMR at same time.…/Prescribi…/Kinrix/pdf/KINRIX.PDF
German study: test group =Pediarix AND HIB versus control group = Infanrix, HIB AND OPV.
USA study: test group = Pediarix, HIB, PCV versus control group = Infanrix, Hep B, IPV, HIB, PCV…/Presc…/Pediarix/pdf/PEDIARIX.PDF
Pentacel (5 in 1: Dtap, Polio, HIB) tested against already licensed and non-licensed combinations of those vaccines. Both test and control groups also received PCV, HepB (and MMR at the last dose) at the same time.…
Quadracel (4 in 1: Dtap & Polio) tested against already approved Daptacel & IPOL vaccines. Both test and control groups also received mmr and varicella vaccines at same time.…
ActHIB reactions observed after administering ActHib or ActHib plus Daptacel, IPOL & PCV. No group did not get ActHib at all.…
Hiberix tested against previously licensed HIB vaccines and both groups given various combinations of pediarix, PCV, rotarix & HepB at the same time.…/Prescri…/Hiberix/pdf/HIBERIX.PDF
MenHibrix (Meningococcal & HIB) tested against a single licensed HIB vaccine. Both groups given various combinations of Pediarix, PCV, MMR or Varicella vaccines at the same time.…/Prescri…/Menhibrix/pdf/MENHIBRIX.PDF
PedVaxHib (Meningococcal & HIB) tested against another form of pedvaxhib or a placebo. All groups given DTP and OPV at the same time.…/pi_circul…/p/pedvax_hib/pedvax_pi.pdf
(Hep A)
Havrix - all groups received Havrix. Group 1: Havrix Group, 2: Havrix and MMR, Group 3 Havrix and Varicella.…/Prescribi…/Havrix/pdf/HAVRIX.PDF
TwinRix (Hep A & HepB tested against already approved Hep & and B vaccines given separately (Havrix & Engerix-B).…/Prescribing…/Twinrix/pdf/TWINRIX.PDF
Engerix-B given to all test subjects and observed for reactions. No control group was observed or compared.…/Pre…/Engerix-B/pdf/ENGERIX-B.PDF
Recombivax given to all test subjects. Infants and adults simply observed for reactions. Children compared the 2 vs 3 dose schedule.…/pi…/r/recombivax_hb/recombivax_pi.pdf
Gardasil tested against aluminum adjuvant or a "saline placebo". However, the saline placebo is made up of: water, 9.56mg sodium chloride, 0.78mg L-histidine and 50micrograms polysorbate-80.…/pi_circul…/g/gardasil/gardasil_pi.pdf
Gardasil 9 tested against regular Gardasil.…/pi_c…/g/gardasil_9/gardasil_9_pi.pdf
All flu vaccines observed for reactions, no control group, and/or against other flu vaccines.
MMRII, adverse event observation of those who receive MMR.…/…/pi_circulars/m/mmr_ii/mmr_ii_pi.pdf
ProQuad (mmr+varicela) tested against MMRII + Varivax given together.…/pi_circulars/p/proquad/proquad_pi.pdf
(Meningococcal ACWY)
Menactra tested against Menomune OR a group receiving PCV, MMRV and HepA instead.…
Menomune was tested against Menactra.…
Menvo was tested against groups getting typical childhood vaccines or a compararative vaccine.…/Prescribing_I…/Menveo/pdf/MENVEO.PDF
Bexsero tested against either a meningococcal ACWY vaccine, Japanese encephalitis vaccine or an aluminum placebo.…/Prescribing…/Bexsero/pdf/BEXSERO.PDF
Trumenba tested against groups getting other vaccines and/or a "saline placebo". However, the saline placebo is made up of: water, 9.56mg sodium chloride, 0.78mg L-histidine and 50 micrograms polysorbate-80.…
(Pneumococcal (PCV13)
Prevnar 13 tested against the old prevnar:
IPOL (Inactivated Polio) tested by observing subjects who got IPOL, DTP & Tripedia vaccines at same time.…
Adacel tested against Td vaccine.…
Boostrix tested against Td vaccine. Some participants also received meningococcal or flu vaccines at the same time.…/Prescribi…/Boostrix/pdf/BOOSTRIX.PDF
TD Generic- states "Data on adverse reactions following fluid and adsorbed preparations of MassBiologics’ Td with various doses of the diphtheria and tetanus components have been reported in a series of studies." and also that it can be used to complete the dtap series but safety and efficacy has not been evaluated. Does not list study results.…/Vaccin…/ApprovedProducts/UCM164127.pdf
Tennivac tested against a vaccine called Decavac.…
Varivax claims placebo based trials and later in the insert states no placebo based trials took place. Then describes trials with varying dosages of antigens and dosing schedules.…/pi_circulars/v/varivax/varivax_pi.pdf
*Rotavirus and Pneumovax actually claim placebo studies but the contents of their placebo were undetermined.

Info from Chris Kirckof

package inserts for the covid vax.

Fact sheets and the package inserts: Pfizer- J&J- Mo...